Debug: run VS as administrator To Generate X64 Addon for X64 Client with B1DE 1- clean your project (delete all files or folder in Bin folder 2- Add UIAPI and DIAPI to References of addon project from: C:\Program Files\SAP\SAP Business One\SAPbouiCOM.exe C:\Program Files\SAP\SAP Business One DI API\DI API 90\SAPbobsCOM90.dll 3- On Project proprieties > Builds : set Plateform and target plateform to "Any CPU" (=>64bt) 4- Build you project 5- Create your installer project with B1DE tools: new project> SAP B1 AddonInstaller .Net Wizard 6- choose you generated Exec File on step 4 7- Ctr+H (Search and replace) on All Solution : <> by <> 8- On Project proprieties > Compile >Advanced Compile Options > Target CPU:x64 9- Build your project 10- Go to your project folder and run AddOnRegDataGenFile\AddOnRegDataGen.bat 11- Go to the Bin folder a new .ard file is generated 12- Edit this file with notepad and replace :<> by <> Build installer:
Rebuild source code
Copy to installer source folder (Addon files)
Rebuild installer source code 10- Go to your project folder and run AddOnRegDataGenFile\AddOnRegDataGen.bat 11- Go to the Bin folder a new .ard file is generated 12- Edit this file with notepad and replace :<> by <>